make a stage version ofの例文
stage version
Stage versions of movies have had more than their share of flops. However, their stage versions involved the use of curtains, mirrors and wires. A stage version of " The Sing-Along Sound o......

stage by stage
In this case, the sequence of extensions builds up stage by stage. I think we'll go step by step, stage by stage ." "This process is built stage by stage, " said Abu Alaa. OK, so let's slo......

stage to stage
The main gameplay feature is the bosses change from stage to stage. This was only possible by air transportation via helicopter from stage to stage. In the meantime, souls pass from stage ......

21st century king james version
The 21st Century King James Version is also known for its formatting. A version without the Apocrypha ( and with formatting changes ) is known as the 21st Century King James Version. Two p......

24 - indian version
Two months ago I accepted this article : 24-Indian version ( 2013 ) at the Afc.

400th anniversary of the authorized king james version
It premiered at Wilton's Music Hall in London from 31 May to 2 July 2011 in a production directed by Holmes himself, to mark the 400th anniversary of the Authorized King James Version, wit......

400th anniversary of the king james version
In 2004 in celebration of the 400th anniversary of the King James Version, at the invitation of the American Bible Society and its Bishops Bible, least known of the Tudor period Bibles and......

a better version of me
This 29 second clip of Fiona Apple's " A Better Version of Me " is used for the purposes of criticism and comment on the artist Fiona Apple.

a dubbed version
A dubbed version was released in English under the title " Passion Flower Hotel ". It was a dubbed version of the Norwegian recording, but had a slightly different ending. Das Boot " was m......

a pirated version
You may see a pirate version of an illegal copy quite quickly. A pirated version, however, was published about ten years later. A pirated version of the game has been in existence since la......

a version of now
On 15 May 2016, Peter Garrett announced a solo album, " A Version of Now ", which was released on 15 July 2016. Garrett's website stated that " Most of the songs on'A Version of Now'were c......

a version of unix
Microsoft itself sold a version of Unix for the PC called Xenix. Santa Cruz operations writes a version of UNIX for IBM-compatible personal computers. Fairchild promoted the CLIX operating......

a1 version
The type of blight that caused the Irish potato famine is known as the A1 version of Phytophthora infestans. The M110A2 is the latest version with a double muzzle brake, the earlier A1 ver......

abbreviated version
It often offers an abbreviated version of the play to come. The abbreviated version will include a 2.8 km tunnel. A declassified, abbreviated version of the report was publicly released We......

abridged version
3, 500 words; an ABRIDGED version will also move. 4, 400 words; an ABRIDGED version will also move. A shortened / abridged version was published by National Vanguard Books. Tushmalov's ver......

acoustic version
The acoustic version may seem to be softer and more intimate. This album contains 11 acoustic versions of her previously released songs. There is an acoustic version that is also available......

active version
It's clear that either verb could be used in the active version. nmh is the current active version of MH . It was Mike Karels and Craig Leres. In this active version, the problem is solved......

adobe photoshop version history
Examples include the tables at iOS version history, Adobe Photoshop version history, Palm OS # Version history and technical background, and until a few months ago every article listed at ......

alpha version
The first alpha version under Pharo was released in August 2009. Early reviews for the pre-alpha version were highly positive. The first public alpha version was released on October 1, 200......

alternate language version
The film was shot in Hindi, with a few scenes reshot in Tamil and Telugu for alternate language versions. Both versions of the single include the alternate language version as the second t......

alternative version
:Curiously, there is no alternative version of Kazuki Yotsuga in this world. suggested an alternative version of merge sort that uses constant additional space. Two alternative versions of......

amend version
Per the discussion at Wikipedia talk : Text of the GNU Free Documentation License # Should we update this to 1.3 ?, it appears that we may need to ask the Free Software Foundation to expli......

american king james version
The "'American King James Version "'is a new English edition of the Holy Bible by Michael Peter ( Stone ) Engelbrite, based on the King James Version. Engelbrite has put the American King ......

american revised version
Some of those Americanized editions by Oxford and Cambridge Universities had the title of " American Revised Version " on the cover of their spines. I have, as a first project, processed t......

american standard version
Where Can I Buy A American Standard version Bible. "Darby Translation " and " American Standard Version ." The American Standard Version translates this term " wild ox " in each case. For ......